Austin City Council reviews 2020 electronic audit report

The City of Austin’s electronic audit report for the year ending December 31st, 2020 was presented to the Austin City Council during a work session following their last regularly scheduled meeting at the Austin City Council chambers.  The auditor noted in the report that the city of Austin spent 16% of the city’s budget on culture and recreation in 2020, and Austin Mayor Steve King stated to KAUS News during the “Meet the Mayor” segment on “Wright Here, Right Now” that was mostly due to the fact that Austin has two ice arenas as well as the J.C. Hormel Nature Center, which is an amenity most cities do not have, but he added that other city departments help to save money yearly that goes back into the city’s general fund…

The report stated that expenditures for the city were nearly $2.485 million under budget in 2020, including $930,000 in unused capital outlay and contingency funds, and also unused funds for full time equivalent and temporary wages and benefits, utility costs, road oil, materials and supplies, Community Rec Center scholarships, and also unused agency allocations and the hotel and motel tax remittance to the Austin CVB.  

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