Emergency Department physician with Mayo Clinic talks about frostbite
With another round of cold weather upon us, Dr. Elizabeth Bermudez, Emergency Department physician, Mayo Clinic Health System in Austin and Albert Lea spoke with KAUS News and talked about what she sees most on average concerning patients coming into the emergency department..
Dr. Bermudez went on to talk about the biggest danger of frostbite…
Dr. Bermudez went on to outline the various stages of frostbite…
Dr. Bermudez also talked about who is most susceptible to frostbite…
With temperatures below zero coupled with the windchill, Dr. Bermudez stated that frostbite can occur within half an hour, and she went on to say that one of the methods of treating frostbite is to soak the affected area in warm, not hot water for approximately 15-30 minutes. Dr. Bermudez went on to say that you should avoid rubbing the affected area, and if frostbite involves your feet, you should avoid walking on the affected area while it’s still frostbitten, and you should also avoid touching hot surfaces.
She added that it is very important to note that when the affected area is thawed, you do not want to be in a scenario where you would refreeze it, which could cause worse damage.