Hormel Foods Corporation held its ceremonial groundbreaking on Wednesday, May 3, to celebrate the future home of its early childhood education center. The $5 million, 13,000-square-foot facility located at 17th Ave. NW in Austin, will accommodate up to 130 children of company team members, as well as community members throughout Mower County.

Hormel Foods

“We are excited to begin construction on our new early learning center and partner with Bright Horizons to help meet the childcare needs of our team members and those in our community,” said Angie Bissen, manager of Human Resources Business Partners, Hormel Foods. “In today’s tight labor market, our new facility will help us recruit and retain working parents who are needing to find quality, affordable care for their children and provide an additional option for childcare in the area.”

hormel Foods

Bissen was one of several presenters at Wednesday’s groundbreaking ceremony, joined also by Katie Larson, senior vice president Human Resources at Hormel Foods; Jeff Holt, senior manager of Corporate Properties at Hormel Foods; Jami Behrens, division vice president of Operations, Bright Horizons; and Elaine Hansen, president, Austin Area Chamber of Commerce.

Benike Construction is scheduled to begin construction on the new facility immediately. The early childhood education center is expected to open spring of 2024.

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