Special general election to be held for Mower County District 1 County Commissioner vacancy April 13th

The Special General Election for the Mower County District 1 County Commissioner vacancy  will be held on Tuesday, April 13, 2021. 

The vacancy occurred when Commissioner Tim Gabrielson passed away on Nov. 10, 2020 and  the County Board approved holding a special election to fill the vacancy. Seven individuals filed  for the office so a special primary election was held on February 9. John Mueller and Tim Duren were the two candidates receiving the most votes in the primary election and advanced to the  special general election.  

Only voters living in Commissioner District 1 will vote in the special election. Mower County  District 1 includes the townships of Lansing, Red Rock, Udolpho, and Waltham as well as the  cities of Brownsdale, Mapleview, Waltham, and the 1st Ward, 1st Precinct of the City of Austin.  

To find out if you live in Mower County District 1, voters can go to the Minnesota Secretary of  State’s website: https://pollfinder.sos.state.mn.us/ or call the Mower County Auditor-Treasurer’s  office at 507-437-9535. 

Mower County Auditor/Treasurer Scott Felten stated in a news release that on Election Day, Tuesday, April 13, polling places are open from 7 am to 8 pm for voting. 

City of Austin voters in Ward 1 Precinct 1 will vote at Austin City Hall.

City of Brownsdale voters and Red Rock Township voters will vote at the Brownsdale Fire Hall.   

City of Waltham voters will vote at the Waltham Area Government Center.

Lansing Township voters will vote at the Lansing Township Hall.

The City of Mapleview, Udolpho Township, and Waltham Township are mail ballot precincts and registered voters in those precincts have had ballots mailed to them already. Mail ballots can be mailed back to the Auditor-Treasurer’s office, or dropped off in-person at the office, or the voter can come to the Auditor-Treasurer’s office to vote in-person.  The deadline for voters in these mail ballot precincts to return their ballot is 8 pm, on Tuesday, April 13th.

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